Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just A Thought October 25, 2008

"If all my friends were to jump off a bridge. I wouldn't jump with them. I'd be at the bottom to catch them."

I am blessed to have a few friends. When I say friends, I really mean family. We are just that close. I trust them with my life. I know that at the end of the day, they only want what's best for me. The thing is, sometimes my actions may not show them that. They will give me advice and I will do just the opposite of what they advised. I know this has to frustrate them, for I get mad when people do it to me. One thing I have realized, is that what I love and respect most about my friends is their individual personalities. I have some of the strongest, most intelligent friends. They are capable of making good decisions for themselves. Their choice will ultimately be what they FEEL is best for them at that time. In those instances that they fall, I know that what makes all the difference is that I am right there to help them up. Not with an "I told you so," but with an "Are you okay?" Acceptance is the key that makes friendship work. Sooner than later they'll get it right and you will have been blessed with the opportunity to participate in the process.

"Friend derives from a word meaning "free." A friend is someone who allows the space and freedom to be."

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