Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just A Thought November 5, 2008

"You don't have to wait till your party's in power to have an impact on life at home and around the world."

Many people were energized by this recent election. Half of those people are now feeling rather dejected. Disappointed by the fact that their candidate was defeated. While that's sad, the real travesty is that a large majority of these people will now pay no attention to politics until it is time to choose another president.These people are not seekers of change. For if they were, they would be focusing and preparing for what happens next. The fact that your candidate lost, doesn't mean that the change you sought won't come. Politics is the sport of the people. We are all players. Familiarize yourself with your new elected officials and their positions. Inform yourself of the issues. Write your new Governor, Congressman, State Rep. or even PRESIDENT. Attend a council meeting or two. Get in the game. Be instrumental in evoking the change you desire to see.

"Everybody knows politics is a contact sport."

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