Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just A Thought November 2, 2008

"I don't miss him. I miss who I thought he was."

When its over, we often spend lots of time reflecting on what has been lost. It is my belief that the way you feel about the break up will influence your reflections. When we've made the decision to end it, we tend to spned our time reaffirming our decision. We look at everything that was wrong with them. When they call it quits, we spend our time wondering "why?" Especially if things seemed fine. We reflect on all the things we were doing right. This may be why we find ourselves in the same types of relationships over and over again. Take time to assess your former relationship in its entirety. Were you who YOU thought you were? What did YOU do that could have been done differently? Ultimately, the answers to these questions are the key to a successful relationship in the future. You have NO control over what your ex did, does, or will do. Reflecting on them will cause you to remain in the place that you are in, because you won't change. Even if it WAS them and not you, use this time to find out why you put up with it for so long!! There's always something to improve upon within you.

"He that never changes his opinions, never corrects his mistakes, and will never be wiser on the morrow than he is today."

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