Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just A Thought December 17, 2008

"Whatever we expect with confidence becomes our own self-fulfilling prophecy.

I have a tendency to measure my relationships against those of my past and those of others. This is a terrible thing, as I have been in some pretty awful relationships. Add that to the fact that other people tend to look alot better off than they really are and you can see my dilemma. I am at a point now where the best relationship I have ever had is slowly deteriorating before my very eyes. I know how to stop this from happening but I am afraid that I can't. From day one I've been waiting for the point where the relationship proves itself to be just like all the others, and finally it has come. I realize that its ME. We have a tendency to refuse to let a new relationship be just that, A NEW RELATIONSHIP. This is a person who has been down the road we've been down, but not WITH us. They may have experienced the same hurts we have, or perpetrated the same wrongs as our exes, but that was BEFORE us. Instead of creating new memories to replace the old, we choose to relive our past through our present. This is only okay if we want to end up alone. If we keep looking for misery, confusion, dishonesty, and heartbreak, we will eventually find it. That you can bet on.

"What we see depends mainly on what we look for."

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