Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just A Thought October 30, 2008

"Assumptions are the termites of relationships."

I hate asking questions. Questions entice people to lie, and since I hate to be lied to, I figure I'll cut it off at the pass and not even ask. The problem with this philosophy is that I am left to my own assumptions of what's going on. Let me just tell you that assuming is the WRONG way to go. We all know what happens when we assume right? Often times if you would just ask, you cut out about a day's worth of uneccessary emotions. Yes, there is the chance that what you assumed is correct. But if so, at least you KNOW that its so, and you can make the decision you need to make and press forward. As long as you rely on assumptions, you will forever be at war with your inner self about whether or not your decisions are right. Kill the confusion with a question because you're wasting valuable time making assumptions.

"Assumptions allow the best in life to pass you by."

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