Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just A Thought April 20, 2009

"As you develop your feelings of self-worth, your very purity and strength will begin to purge out anything and anyone negative surrounding you. You will also start to attract people and situations that honor who you truly are and enhance your own positive energy. Eventually, this will lead to changes in you external environment."

A couple of weeks ago I attended a revival and listened to a Pastor preach about coming out of Egypt. She touched on how often times we are reluctant to free ourselves from bondage for as oppressing and depressing as it is, it's familiar. We get comfortable in our situation because we at least know what to expect. She went on to say that sometimes we stay in bondage because we are afraid of who our freedom may upset. That's when I began to get uncomfortable. This woman was in my business and that's why men don't want women preaching! =) That's what I love about the word. God will use any and everybody to get His message to you. I began to think about how I have remained in bad relationships because I felt like I at least knew how bad things could be. I was afraid that if I let go, I just might end up with something worse. There were even times that I remained in situations where I was unhappy spiritually because of what other people would have thought if I left. But in all of our lives there will come a time when you are forced to make a choice. Who are you living for? If your answer is anything other than God, I regret to inform you that you'll be hanging around in Egypt for quite awhile. You'll be in bondage as long as you base your actions on the desires of others. Cultivate your relationship with your creator and freedom will be just around the bend. The only problem then will be staying free!

"Do not become paralyzed and enchained by the set patterns which have been woven of old. No, build from your own youthful feeling, your own groping thought and your own flowering perception."

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