Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just A Thought December 3, 2008

"Trying to squash a rumor is like trying to unring a bell."

My grandmother called me yesterday with a question about something she heard. Later that same night a coworker called me with a totally different question about something she had heard. As I was winding down last night I couldn't help but think back on both conversations. I spend a lot of time attempting to clarify things that people may have gotten wrong about me. But why? One thing I realize is that regardless of what I say, or what lengths I go to to prove that which is correct, people's opinions will still remain. So I decided (at my supervisor's suggestion) to change my focus. Who cares what THEY say? I mean really, who in the hell ARE they? What is it in me that feels the need to be affirmed outside of myself? I've always thought that it was a natural feeling to want to be liked. I don't believe that so much anymore. It's more like this: the desire to be affirmed by others reveals a lack of affirmation within one's self. Who exactly are we living to please, man or God? The down side of this line of thinking is that it can be mistaken for narcissism, but there I go again caring about what others may think. I have decided that I can no longer be concerned. I want to respectful of other peoples feelings, but I will no longer allow them to super cede my own.

"The biggest liar in the world is ' They Say.' "

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