Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Feelings.....Nothing more than......

"One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels." Gustave Flaubert

The worst part of feeling is being unable to control just what is felt. While we can control our responses to our feelings and what we allow others to see, we cannot control that which we feel. This inability to control what we feel is what makes getting over "it" so difficult. Whatever "it" may be, I am more than positive that moving past it would be so much easier if we no longer felt it. I once said that if I had to live without any one sense, I'd elect to rid myself of the sense of touch. For every benefit you can tell me the sense provides, I can think of at least two disadvantages directly related. It sometimes feels as though this sense hinders me. Feelings are the response to being touched, so it would seem logical that the way to eliminate them is to eliminate touch........but then again, nothing ever works here in life the way it does in my beautifully dark and twisted fantasies.

"Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor." Thich Nhat Hanh

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